We have officially reached the half way point! Take a moment. Jump up and down. Be excited, because it is extremely exciting. It feels like last week our lives changed and mom was diagnosed with the SFC. Now we are almost done with it!
When the doctor measured the tumor last week at chemo it measured at 3cm!!! Reminder: We started at 10, miraculously came down to 7, and are now at 3. The doctor was shocked and excited. That's always good. She is going to continue the current course of treatment, which is three more rounds of chemo and then surgery. Even if the tumor is completely gone she will still have surgery to double check and remove some type of thingy they put in there when they did the biopsy.
Mom's friend Kellie came down for the weekend to visit. That was awesome. It's really great to have her friends around. It really helps to boost her spirits. :) Today she has a herceptin treatment, which usually leaves her feeling much more energized and less sick, so hopefully tomorrow she'll be feeling better.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming!