Saturday, September 4, 2010

2 More Left

This past Wednesday Steph went back into the doctor for another big chemo session. (Every three weeks like clockwork) The doctor could not find the tumor! He said that it is completely gone! YAY! That means she has two more chemo sessions, and four weeks after the last chemo she has surgery. Her last chemo is mid October, putting her surgery right before Thanksgiving. We're not sure what happens after that. The doctor hasn't said yet, but regardless the SFC is not winning this battle!



  1. This is awesome news! I love the pictures with Matthew playing barber. Stay strong and much love and prayers from Michigan. By the way...this is Amanda on Cris's phone since I am not able to comment from my phone. Take care and love you!

  2. Congratulations Stephanie! Stay strong!

  3. Hey aunt Steph...I am relieved to hear that the reports are coming back clean.
